The National Virtual Consultation Service connects the whole of NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government.  

With our Near Me and Connect Me services, we provide a secure, simple and flexible way for users to connect with each other, patients and others worldwide, making travel optional and saving both time and money.

NHS Staff

With Near Me you can securely connect with individuals or groups of patients or other staff including those from external organisations.


Utilising Near Me, clinicians can offer clinics where patients join a secure waiting area by simply using a web browser. We also offer Near Me to public bodies and third-sector organisations.


Puzzled by how to use your VC system for software calls like Teams or Near Me? We have the answers.


Medical meeting utilising video conferencing

Person to person

  • Clinician <-> clinician
  • Clinician <-> patient
  • Patient <-> relatives
  • Interviews
  • Mentoring


  • Clinician <-> patients
  • Multidiciplinary team meetings
  • Business meetings
  • Education/Training

Fully supported service

  • Centrally funded, free at point of use when involving NHSS users.
  • Central service desk open Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 18:00
  • Support teams in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness
  • Resilent and reliable infrastructure
  • Over 15 years experience of supporting video calls and virtual consultations across the NHS in Scotland
  • Advice on video solutions and procurement
  • User training


Our Service Desk is staffed Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 18:00

Telephone: 01224 816 666


Follow us on Twitter: @NVCS_Scotland

Clinician-Patient Consulting

The NHS Near Me service provides secure web-based connections between patients and clinicians. Any hospital clinic or NHS contractor including GP practices, opticians, dentists or pharmacists can apply for a virtual waiting area and invite patients to connect, where they will be seen privately and securely, saving them from wherever they’re located.

We also support Near Me use by many public bodies, such as Social Security Scotland or Scottish Councils, and 3rd sector organisations.

graphic showing call flow for a near me, p2p video call

The above graphic demonstrates a peer to peer Near Me call. Although a service provider can have many people in their call queue, each caller has their own, individual meeting room to which the provider joins. Callers never see each other.