Required: Attend Anywhere doesn’t work without this network access.
Recommended: Improves the user experience for callers and providers.
Optional: Performance and quality monitoring which helps Induction fix problems.
Firewall Ports
Attend Anywhere uses WebRTC (Web real-time communication) and HTTPS to transfer video-call data between devices. Check that your firewall opens the destination ports shown in the following table:
Requirement | Destinations | Ports | Usage |
Required | | UDP:3478 TCP:443 | Video and audio data for calls. |
Web access
If your organisation uses a web filter or your firewall blocks HTTPS connections (TCP port 443) by default, you also need to allow access to the following sites:
Requirement | Site | Usage |
Required | wss:// | Your Attend Anywhere site. |
Required | | Video and audio data for calls. AWS service is CHIME_MEETINGS. |
Required | https://* | Video and audio data for calls. AWS service is CHIME_MEETINGS. |
Required | https://* | Services supporting calls. AWS service is CLOUDFRONT. |
Required | | JavaScript libraries for realtime status. |
Recommended | https://* | PubSub notification messages for call status updates. |
Recommended | https://media-prod-* | Display of images embedded in the pages. AWS service is S3. |
Recommended | https://* | Stylesheet API for Google Fonts. |
Recommended | https://* | Web-font files from Google Fonts. |
Optional | https://* | User-interface and browser performance monitoring. |
Optional | | Application-performance monitoring for service improvement. |
Proxies – few proxies deal with real time communication traffic well. Call quality will improve if the addresses above bypass proxies.
Testing – we would always recommend a few test calls are made with us using both locally networked devices and on laptops using any VPN connections that may be used by staff. To arrange the tests please email us on or telephone our helpdesk on 01224 816666 between 08:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday.
Although very basic, this test, if performed on a supported device and browser, checks camera, microphone, connection to the Near Me call platform (via TCP and UDP) then tests speakers. A fail at any stage will stop the test. Please note, although both TCP and UDP connections are tested, only one is required for a successful call. UDP may give slightly better video and audio quality but TCP should give a perfectly acceptable call.