22nd May 2024. We have identified a problem where some Service Providers are unable to see callers when they arrive in Waiting Area call queues. The problem has been identified and a fix is being readied. (Updates will be provided here.)

If you think this issue may be affecting you, a manual page refresh should correct your call queue.

If you want a secondary of alert that you have a caller, you can set the platform to send you a text message when a caller arrives in the Waiting Area. That works even if the call queue you see does not update itself.

To manually refresh your call queue

The easiest way for you to refresh your call queue page is to click or tap the circular refresh button that’s visible at the top of your browser. For Edge or Chrome, it’ll be to the left of the address bar. For Safari, at the right within the address bar.

Shows browser refresh button locations for Edge, Chrome and Safari

There are other options available too…

Desktop or laptops:

Edge or Chrome on Windows: CTRL+R (press the Control and R keyboard buttons at the same time).

Safari or Chrome on macOS: CMD+R (press the Command and R keyboard buttons at the same time).

Smartphones or tablets:

iOS or Android: tap the top of the call screen and swipe down.

Caller Alerts

If you’d like a text alert every time a caller enters your Waiting Area it’s simple. If your call queue doesn’t update with your caller, you’ll know to refresh following the guide above.

To set up text alerts, get to your Waiting Area and click on Caller arrival alerts at the right hand side.

Waiting Area - Set caller alert process part 1

Add you own mobile number an please double-check it. Remember to SAVE

Waiting Area - Set caller alert process part 2

You’ll now see the number you’ve set for alerts when you look at your Waiting Area

Waiting Area - Set caller alert process part 3

To remove, click Caller arrival alerts again then Clear on the following window then SAVE

Waiting Area - Remove caller alert process