VC and Lync integration

  • Post author:VC
  • Post category:Other News

Calls between standards compliant VC units/clients and MS Lync will soon be possible. As part of the move towards better integration of disparate communications platforms there is work ongoing to allow two-way communication between MS Lync and the standards-based VC network, two distinct ecosystems which are currently isolated from one another throughout most of the NHS boards.
This integration project will allow for easy dialling between a Lync software client on a PC and standards compliant VC endpoints, software clients or bridged multi-site meetings, making it easier to include all the required participants from their chosen platform.
So far this has been rolled out within NHS Dumfries and Galloway, but other boards have voiced an interest in following suit.
N.B. NHS Lothian’s MS Outlook users can link to standards compliant endpoints through NHSL’s MCU.