To ensure the service continues to meet the needs of users throughout NHS Scotland, the service is governed by the VC Programme Board. The Terms of Reference of the VC Programme board are as follows:
1 Terms of Reference – VC Programme Board
The VC Programme Board provides oversight of both video conferencing and video consulting service development and business-as-usual services. This includes:
- The Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Attend Anywhere scale-up programme;
- The National VC Service, hosted by NHS Grampian;
- VC infrastructure and contracts managed by NHS National Services Scotland.
Although outwith the remit of the group, close collaboration with programmes supporting Office 365 will be required.
1.1 Membership
Membership of the Programme Board is as follows:
- Dr Steve Baguley (Chair), Clinical Director eHealth NHS Grampian and a Clinical Lead for NES Digital Service
- Deryck Mitchelson (eHealth Lead), Director of National Digital and Security, NHS NSS
- Dr Khyber Alam (Clinical Lead), Associate Medical Director, NHS 24
- Hazel Archer, Digital Access Programme Lead, Scottish Government
- Rachel Bourke, Attend Anywhere Scale-Up Programme Manager
- Scott Mathieson, National VC Manager, NHS Grampian
- Christine McFarlane-Slack, Prison Telehealth National Advisor, Scottish Government
- Nigel Ironside, Head of Health and Justice, Scottish Prison Service
- Mark Darroch, Joint Service Manager, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- Erika Skinner, Project Manager, Aberdeenshire HSCP
- Zahid Deen, Digital and Service Transformation Director, Health and Social Care Alliance
- Alistair Hodgson, eHealth Policy Lead, Scottish Government
1.2 Delegation
Where group members are unable to attend, appropriate deputies may attend.
1.3 Group Remit
The remit of the group is outlined below. It is accepted that this will be reviewed by the group and appropriate tasks delegated as appropriate.
- Provide overall direction and oversight of the Attend Anywhere Scale-Up Programme.
- Act as the Service Management Board for the business-as-usual VC services provided by the National VC Team and NHS National Services Scotland.
- When necessary, establish a Technical Advisory Group to oversee infrastructure changes and provide the role of Change Advisory Board.
- Ensure high-level deliverables meet the needs of all stakeholders including the wider public sector and citizens of Scotland.
- Approve documentation such as business cases, procurement specifications, project plans, service catalogues etc.
- Authorise any major deviations from the agreed work plans.
- Confirm that project deliverables have been produced satisfactorily.
- Make the necessary decisions for the services and programmes to proceed and overcome any problems.
- Be responsible for influencing the commitment of resources to the programmes (personnel, funding and equipment) and act as the escalation point for any issues.
- Champion the services and programmes and raise awareness at a senior level in relevant organisations.
- Assisting in the resolution of any strategic and policy issues and communicate any which may impact the services.
1.4 Meeting Arrangements
- Meetings will be held via video conference.
- Meetings will be held approximately every 3 months; however, this may be modified depending on the workload.
- Meeting administration will be the responsibility of the Attend Anywhere Programme Manager in conjunction with the National VC Manager.
- Routine business between meeting may be conducted via e-mail.
1.5 Reporting
The VC Programme Board will report to the overall TEC Programme Board.